Dealers! Time is Running out!

Just a reminder that Open Registration for the Greater Toledo Train and Toy Show ends on February 11th, 2016. This is a hot show that most dealers pre-register for on the day of the show for the following year. At present, the show is almost sold out, and we are currently researching into adding more space due to the volume of last minute requests received. If you are interested in becoming a vendor for the 2017 show, it is highly recommended that you register now by sending in the registration form along with your payment for space. If you need a registration form, please contact us and we'll be happy to email you one. We will do our utmost to accommodate requests, but cannot guarantee your spot until the final floor plan is drawn after Open Registration closes (February 11th). If we can squeeze you into the show, you will be notified and confirmed as quickly as possible after February 11th. If space is not available, you will also be notified as soon as possible with an option to either have your check returned to you; or to apply your payment against space at the 2018 show.