It's Almost Show Time!
It's time to make your plans to come to "The Greater Toledo Train & Toy Show!" With about two weeks to go, the show will be here before you know it!
There will be all kinds of toys and trains for sale as well as your favorite displays and exhibits. There's also going to be some new and amazing presentations to discover!
With your paid admission, we're delighted to be offering a toy and train repair and appraisal clinic this year sponsored by “Roundhouse Randy” and Toledo Toymasters. Do you want to know what your vintage toys and trains are worth? Bring them to the show and find out! A train parts dealer will also be at the show, so you can pick up what you need for repairs.
Catered lunch will be available for purchase in the Atrium dining area from: “The Saucy Slamwich”. You can check out their menu at:
Advance tickets are on sale now at:
Please bear in mind that while some vendors accept bank cards; most vendors are still a cash-only business, so please remember to bring enough money for your purchases. If you need additional money, there is an ATM on site for your convenience.
The show is always held on the second Sunday of each March. (Don't forget Daylight Savings Time begins that weekend, so set your clocks AHEAD 1 hour). Advance ticket holders and "Early Birds" are admitted at 9:00 AM ($10 per adult) and General Admission starts at 11:00 AM ($7 per adult). As always, children 12 and under are FREE (with paid adult admission). There's plenty of free parking, too! The show runs until 3:00PM.
For show updates, please visit our website ( and also follow us on social media @ToledoToymasters.
This is the show everyone talks about, and we're super excited to welcome you back for a “family fun day for all” at The Greater Toledo Train and Toy Show on Sunday, March 12th, 2023!
