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Seasons Greetings From "Roundhouse Randy"

What a fun month we've had spreading the joy of vintage toys and trains everywhere at shows and swap meets, on air and at public events! "Roundhouse Randy" was a guest on local programming WTVG "The Nine". Here's the segment for you to view:

Also, due to popular demand; mark your calendars for an encore return of "Roundhouse Randy" and friends at the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Museum Train Repair and Appraisal Clinic on Saturday, January 6th from 11am - 4pm.

And don't forget the big "Greater Toledo Train & Toy Show" is fast approaching on March 10th, 2024! The show is shaping up to be chock full of operating exhibits, vendors offering all sorts of toys and trains, and lots to see and do! Remember: when you set your clocks AHEAD for Daylight Savings Time in the Spring, it's "time" to come to the "Greater Toledo Train & Toy Show"!

In the meantime, have a very happy holiday season full of good memories made with friends and family!


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