Next Show Date Announced for March 13, 2022 2021 Show Postponed Due to Pandemic

Randy, Lisa, family and staff hope all is well and you and your loved ones are safe and healthy – WE LOVE YOU ALL!
With our large show, we have lost a few dealers and participants in the past due to the flu season, failing health and now there's COVID-19.
Our show has hit International status, and people are contacting us in anticipation of booking airline tickets to attend the show this year! From dealers to exhibitors to visitors; everyone is really excited about being a part of the show!
After much deliberation, and with everyone's best interest at heart; we are writing to let you know that the upcoming March show is formally POSTPONED until Sunday, March 13th, 2022.
We will not hold a show simply for the sake of holding a show when attendance and sales are down and health risks are high. I have participated in many shows over the past year and they are all disappointingly way down due to the pandemic.
We have the best show around and work hard at making this the kind of show everyone enjoys. I personally promise that with your patience, the show will return even better than ever! “The Greater Toledo Train & Toy Show” is very secure and financially sound with everything in place ready to go once it's safe to do so.
Dealer space for the show is 90% sold out. Please be assured your spot is held and reservations will automatically be forwarded to the next show. No exceptions. Had the Corona Virus not derailed everything globally, the show would have been held just like it always has been for decades. But these are unprecedented times and we value our participants too much to risk their health and we also safely want a large buying crowd so that your sales can be robust. We do things right because we care about our people and the hobby. Now is not the time to compromise our commitment to you.
So I am asking for everyone's patience while we pull into the station for just a bit longer and once the coast is clear, it will be “full steam ahead” for the best show ever!